Olive Oil and Blueberry cake

Long-live the national days that celebrate our sweet tooth! If the saying “we are what we eat” is true, then we must be impressively sweet. So, without further ado, here´s a simple Olive oil and Blue made with our ???? ????? ?????? ????? ??? to satisfy your sugar cravings:
Sauteed green beans with mushrooms

Sauteed green beans with mushrooms. This side dish is perfect for Thanksgiving or any day of the week for that matter. Plus, it´s very easy to make and healthy!
Phyllo Pumpkin Pie

Phyllo Pumpkin recipe We promised you a Thanskgiving special menu, so here´s dessert:
Turkey roulade

Don´t feel like baking a whole turkey? No problem. We got you covered. You can still enjoy a delicious and juicy turkey dinner without the hassle. And this Turkey Roulade includes a mouthwatering stuffing!
Black chocolate cake

Are you a chocoholic? Here is a delicious and easy chocolate cake, ideal as a dessert or afternoon snack, served with a cup of coffee or glass of milk for children. Take note of the ingredients and enjoy preparing it as a family.
Pumpkin & orange olive oil cake

Purple EVOO Dream Cocktail

Creamy pumpkin soup

Cream of pumpkins is one of the most popular dishes in winter, although it is also perfect to serve cold when the warm weather begins. Healthy and suitable for vegetarians and vegans, it is perfect as a starter for lunch or a main course for dinner.
Microgreens salad with sherry dijon vinaigrette

Extra virgin olive oil herb dip

Mushroom & Olives Pizza

Vegetarian pesto