Meatballs with tomato sauce recipe

meatballs with tomato sauce recipe

Knowing that you love home-cooked food as much as we do, today we have made some tasty meatballs with tomato sauce. We know you won’t be able to resist them.

Real Spanish Potato Omelette Recipe!

What is the best known Spanish tapa all over the world? Correct! The Spanish omelette or potato omelette! When cooking, we will use two healthy and cheap ingredients: egg and potatoes. Whether we prepare the potato omelette with or without onion, we must be careful with the proportions in the ingredients. Thus, one rule for cooking the perfect spanish omelette is to use eight eggs for each 2,2, lb. of peeled potatoes.  And, don´t forget the best extra virgin olive oil to fry the potatoes and assemble our spanish omelette.

Spanish flat bread with peppers and olives

coca rellena de pimientos y aceitunas

We want to share with you the recipe of coca with red bell peppers and olives stuffed with red peppers as well. The result is packed with flavor and each bite is so comforting, plus, making any type of bread and its kneading process is kinda therapeutic.
Here is the list of ingredients for 8 squares:

Extra creamy chocolate mousse

mousse de chocolate con aceite de oliva virgen extra Goya

The classic chocolate mousse with egg whites and egg yolks is a totally winer for a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner. And to make everything perfect, here’s a tip to give it extra creaminess: extra virgin olive oil. Adding EVOO to melted chocolate balances its bitterness for a velvety, smooth and creamy result without adding cream or butter.

Meatloaf with capers Recipe!

Salty cake can´t be missing in your table on Christmas. Served cold or hot, the salty cake accepts ingredients such tuna, salmon or meat. We show you an easy recipe of meatloaf with capers with which you surely will surprise your guests.

Chocolate cake

Chocolate cake

We know that nobody is bitter about sweet things and that, come the weekend, we like to treat ourselves. So, we wanted to show you how to make a chocolate cake that will become your instant favorite. Super fluffy with a melt-in-your-mouth texture and chocolate coating… Who can resist something as delicious as this? Clearly, nobody can! So here’s the complete list of ingredients and the step-by-step recipe for you…

Ajoblanco with sautéed apples

Ajoblanco con manzana

Enjoy this ajoblanco with Goya Unico that accentuates the pure flavors of garlic and marcona almonds. As a finishing touch, serve it with a side of sautéed apple. Simply delicious

Ham Croquettes Recipe

Croquetas de jamón

With just a few ingredients, our traditional ham croquettes recipe is truly delicious. In just 30 minutes you can whip up a batch of croquette dough too. It’s easier than you think‼️ Let’s get started!

Orange and EVOO Christmas cake

Tarta de naranja

This dairy-free cake would lift you up to heaven in just one bite!
The use of extra virgin olive oil in this cake results in a crumb that is more tender and moister. The reason is simple. When we use butter in our baked goods, we must be aware that butter is almost 20% water that would evaporate most of it during the baking process. So, replacing butter for oil assures us that all the fat needed remains. For that reason, you´d note that we also need less amount of EVOO than butter

Garlic, cheese & basil tortilla chips

Chi Garlic

With the kitchens at full capacity for the Christmas dinner, we propose this ideal and easy decoration for your gastronomic creations this holiday season. Save this recipe and give it a try – it’s an ideal and easy decoration for your gastronomic Christmas creations this year!

Classic tapenade

With about one can of GOYA® Ripe Black Olives you can prepare this adding 4 fresh basil leaves, half a clove of garlic, approximately 10 GOYA® Capers, one anchovy fillet and about 80ml of GOYA® Extra Virgin Olive Oil.