Cátedra Goya | Goya Chair


The Goya Chair continues its research activity

José María Manzano

The Goya Chair continues its academic activity. As part of this, on 16 November the Aula Goya, a permanent training seminar, will host a new session led by José María Manzano Crespo, deputy director of the Higher Technical School (Escuela Politécnica Superior) and head of the ODS Research Group at Loyola University, who will analyse the possibilities offered by efficient irrigation control for sustainable agriculture.

The speech by José Maria Manzano will take place in Room 2.3 at the Polytechnic School (University of Seville), at 9.00 am. Sign up to attend at catedragoya@us.es.

Specialist publications

In addition to this workshop, the Chair has sponsored the publication of two academic papers in specialist research journals. The first of these, on the predictive maintenance of equipment (from refrigeration units to transport belts) was published in the journal DYNA engineering and industry. The paper reviews the current status of the use of machine learning and deep learning in predictive maintenance in academia, thus responding to questions related to these practices.

The second paper was published on the research portal IEEE explore and is related to wine production. The objective and subjective quality of wines is an important issue in its production and marketing. To improve its quality, some production methods attempt to relate the physico-chemical properties of the wine to the quality as perceived by humans. The Chair’s publication examines and compares various metrics of attribute importance and their application to quality-conscious wine design and production.

More info about the Goya Antonio Unanue Chair