For yet another year, the IberOleum Guide, the guide to the best extra virgin olive oils in Spain, has once again recognized the quality of our premium extra virgin olive oils Unico and Organics, placing them in the Top 10 of the Best Medium EVOOs in its 2023 edition.
GOYA® Unico, with 96.30 points, is ranked as the best coupage in Spain, while GOYA® Organics, with 95.40 points, is the third best national coupage.

Our premium extra virgin olive oils, made from the Hojiblanca and Picuda varieties grown in the south of Spain (the world’s largest producer of olive oil), come from the first cold pressing of the olives, a few hours after they are picked, to preserve each and every one of their organoleptic properties.
With a blend of green fruit scents that reminds us of fresh cut grass, green tomato, and green apple, this mix of aromas results in extra virgin olive oil of great complexity. In addition, both posses the perfect balance of bitterness and spice that makes for a very pleasant flavor.
Thank you, IberOleum, for recognizing the quality of our olive oils and congratulations to all the award winners.
Official list IberOleum Guide 2023