After our 45th anniversary in 2019, and after two difficult years, now is the time to celebrate the good times ahead. This is what we have done, resuming the celebration of our lunch to bid farewell to 2021 with a double tribute in which we were accompanied by the Unanue family.
The tribute to our workers was preceded by the official presentation of the sculptures of Prudencio and Antonio Unanue in the gardens of our factory in Seville. As in Puerto Rico and New Jersey, at Goya Spain we are proud to have the bust of Prudencio Unanue; we wanted to add to him the bust of his son, Antonio Unanue, founder of the factory that brought the firm back to its Spanish origins, which was created by local sculptor Carmen Márquez. Both busts were blessed by the parish priest of Alcalá de Guadaira, Javier Criado.
To bring an end to these two years we paid tribute to our co-workers who have spent 10, 20 and 30 years with us, with a special mention to Frank Calvo (60 years), for a lifetime as part of the great Goya family. We also welcomed new colleagues and said a special farewell to the co-workers retiring in 2020 and 2021 who worked for Goya Spain at the beginning of the factory’s foundation together with our founder.