Goya olive oils win 4 medals in the «Sanremo Masters of Olive Oil International Contest»

Goya’s premium extra virgin olive oils continue to reap international awards. The fourth edition of the Masters of Olive Oil International Contest in Sanremo (Italy) has resulted in a total of four medals for Goya’s Unico and Organics olive oils, together with the recognition of Goya’s four extra virgin olive oils, showing Goya to be […]
Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oils, recognized in Berlin

Goya’s Extra Virgin Olive Oils have been awarded three medals at the 2020 Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards. Goya Unico Extra Virgin Olive Oil won a platinum medal, while Goya Organics and Goya Robusto/Fruity won gold medals. These three medals are a milestone for Goya olive oils, as this is the first time they have […]
Goya’s Extra Virgin Olive Oils win again in New York

For the third consecutive year, Goya’s extra virgin olive oils have won over the jury of the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC). On this occasion, Goya’s Unico, Organic and Robusto/Fruity oils have won three gold medals, in addition to a silver medal for Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This means that the prizes […]
Goya Extra Virgin Olive Oils win over Japanese tasters at the JOOTA Awards

The Japan Olive Oil Taster Association (JOOTA) has announced its awards for the best extra virgin olive oils, with Goya olive oils achieving important recognition. Thus, in the Green Robust Fruitiness category, Goya Unico Extra Virgin Oil was awarded a gold medal, while Goya Organics won a bronze medal. Furthermore, Goya Unico received an additional […]
Goya Gourmet Extra Virgin Olive Oils awarded in Zurich

Olive Oil Awards Zurich have once again recognized Goya Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oils. Thus, in the 2020 edition, Goya has won two medals: Gold for Goya Único Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Silver for Goya Organics Extra Virgin Olive Oil. These two medals acknowledge the work carried out by Goya Spain in bringing extra virgin […]
Goya Organics at the top of the BIOL Prize 2020

Congratulations are in order again, as our Organics extra virgin olive oil has won the extra gold medal at the 25th Italian BIOL Prize, placing it among the best organic extra virgin olive oils. Organized by the Italian Biological Consortium, the BIOL International Prize is the largest international competition for organic extra virgin olive oils. […]
Goya premium extra virgin olive oils ranked in the Evooleum Top100

The quality of the Goya premium extra virgin olive oils has been recognized in the International Quality Competition for extra virgin olive oils (Evooleum Guide Awards 2020). This international guide held the 5th edition of the Evooleum International Quality Awards for Extra Virgin Olive Oil, promoted by the Mercacei magazine and the Spanish Association of […]
The Olive Oil School of Spain awards Goya extra virgin olive oils at the 4th ESAO Awards

As in the 2019 edition, the Olive Oil School of Spain (ESAO), awarded Goya extra virgin olive oils in 2020. In the “Best International Extra Virgin Olive Oil” category, Goya Organics extra virgin olive won second prize, retaining the position it earned in 2019. Additionally, in the “Best National Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Andalusia” category, […]
Goya Unico, rated best coupage in Spain by the Iberoleum Guide 2020

As in the 2019 edition the Iberoleum Guide once again ranked Goya gourmet extra virgin olive oils among the best in Spain, awarding Goya Único 96 points, as best national extra virgin coupage.
Goya Spain present in the special about ABC Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Last February, the Goya Spain factory in Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville), participated in the special informative supplement about extra virgin olive oil published in ABC newspaper, «Andalucía tierra de oro verde». Here you can see the report and the publicity about our factory in the ABC special.
Goya España hosts the 1st Goya Europa Commercial Convention 2020

Last February Goya España factory in Alcalá de Guadaíra (Seville) hosted the 1st Goya Europa Commercial Convention 2020.
Los Angeles IOOC gives awards to Goya Spanish extra virgin olive oils

The quality of Goya extra virgin olive oils continues to win awards in the USA.