

Donation of Goya extra virgin olive oil for the Andalusian breakfast for school children in Alcalá de Guadaíra

At Goya España we are proud to participate in initiatives that promote healthy habits and reinforce our commitment to the community.

This week, on the occasion of the next Andalusia Day, we wanted to do our bit by donating GOYA® Unico Extra Virgin Olive Oil to the Parents’ Associations of the schools in Alcalá de Guadaíra. Thus, the schoolchildren of Alcalá, the municipality where our factory is located, have been able to enjoy a healthy and delicious Andalusian breakfast and take home an 89 ml bottle of our GOYA® Extra Virgin Olive Oil to accompany a healthy snack with all the flavor.

We thank the Delegate of Education of the City Council of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Pablo Chain, for valuing this action, all the Ampas and schools for their great work and Manoli Caraballo, for being the best master of ceremonies for this event! Because when companies get involved with our environment, we all win!

Video by viamoviltv.